Is Steph Curry the Greatest Shooter of All Time?

In the past, basketball has seen many excellent shooters who have made a lasting impact on the game. But nowadays, one name shines the brightest, and that’s Steph Curry.

Steph Curry is known for his incredible shooting skills and ability to score from long distances, which has led many to call him the greatest shooter ever. But is he truly the best? Let’s look into the details and make a judgment.

Is Steph Curry The Greatest Shooter Of All Time?

Is Steph Curry The Greatest Shooter Of All Time

Many people think Steph Curry is one of the best shooters in NBA history. He’s also seen as a really important player in today’s basketball. This article will talk about why Curry is seen as the greatest shooter in NBA history.

Shooting Efficiency

One big reason why people say Steph Curry is the greatest shooter in NBA history is because he’s really good at making shots.

In the 2015-16 season, Curry did something no one else had done before in the NBA. He made more than 400 three-point shots in one season, and he did it with a really good accuracy of 45.4%.

He’s been really consistent with his shooting. He’s the only player who has shot over 40% from three-point range in five different seasons.

Because he’s so good at shooting, he’s won a lot of awards, like two NBA MVP awards, and he even had a season where he made a record-breaking 50-40-90, which means he shot really well from all over the court.

Shot Selection

Another reason why people say Steph Curry is the best shooter in NBA history is because of how he chooses his shots. He has a special way of shooting, where he takes quick shots from places on the court that most other players wouldn’t try.

He’s proven many times that he can make shots from almost anywhere on the court. He’s not afraid to shoot from really far away, in the middle of the court, or even with a floating shot.

What’s even more impressive is that he’s good at making his own shots, which makes him an even better shooter.


Steph Curry stands out from other players because he’s really creative when he plays. He’s amazing at making room for his shots, moving fast in different directions, and shooting accurately from all sorts of angles.

People who try to defend against him have a hard time because he’s so good at making his own shots, and they never know what he’s going to do next. His ability to be creative and do many different things on offense makes him a really dangerous player, and that’s why many people say he’s the best shooter in NBA history.


Even though Steph Curry is an amazing player by himself, what really makes him special is how well he works with his team. He’s not selfish and likes to share the ball, and that’s why people see him as a leader and a good teammate.

He’s really good at passing the ball and understanding the game. He often helps his teammates get chances to score, and he’s averaged 6.5 assists per game in his whole career.

Steph Curry is seen as the greatest shooter in NBA history because of his great shooting skills, how he chooses his shots, his creativity, and his teamwork. He’s been a dominant player on the court, both by himself and as part of a team, and that’s why he’s had such a big impact on modern basketball. His legacy as a player will definitely be remembered for a long time.


Steph Curry is well-known for his incredible shooting skills, but he’s not the only NBA player with a reputation for scoring. Let’s take a look at some other notable players and see how they compare to Curry.

One of the strong contenders for the title of the greatest shooter in NBA history is Ray Allen. He played in the league for 18 seasons and was famous for his smooth three-point shots. He retired as the record holder for the most three-pointers made in NBA history, a record now surpassed by Steph Curry.

Allen also has two championship wins, one with the Boston Celtics in 2008 and another with the Miami Heat in 2013. His career shooting averages are 45.2% from the field, 40% from three-point range, and 89.4% from the free-throw line.

Reggie Miller is another highly regarded shooter. He spent his entire 18-season career with the Indiana Pacers and retired as the second-leading three-point shooter in NBA history (now fourth). Miller was known for his accuracy and clutch performances.

Although he didn’t win an NBA championship, he achieved several impressive records, including holding the record for most three-pointers made in a game (tied with Donovon Mitchell) and over 2,000 made three-pointers in his career. His career shooting averages are 47.1% from the field, 39.5% from beyond the arc, and 88.8% from the free-throw line.

Larry Bird, an iconic NBA figure, played 13 seasons with the Boston Celtics. He was renowned for his incredible shooting skills and won three championships, along with three consecutive league MVP awards. Bird had impressive shooting percentages with career averages of 49.6% from the field, 37.6% from three-point range, and 88.6% from the free-throw line.

While all of these players had remarkable careers, Steph Curry’s statistics are extraordinary. As of the 2020-2021 NBA season, he holds the record for the highest three-point shooting percentage in NBA history at 43.3% and is second in all-time three-pointers made, behind Ray Allen.

He also set the record for the most three-pointers made in a single season with 402 and earned the NBA MVP award twice in 2015 and 2016. Curry has won three NBA championships with the Golden State Warriors and once held the title of league-scoring champion.

In summary, while there have been many great shooters in NBA history, Steph Curry’s outstanding statistics and achievements truly distinguish him. His incredible accuracy from beyond the arc and his overall prowess on the court have made him a household name in basketball, and his influence on the sport will undoubtedly endure long after his retirement.

Shooting Techniques

Steph Curry’s shooting style is impressive because it’s smooth, fast, and accurate. Let’s look at some important things about how he shoots:

  • Stance: Curry stands with his feet kind of close together, about as wide as his shoulders. His toes point straight ahead or a little bit outward. This helps him stay balanced and use his lower body to get power in his shots.
  • Grip: He holds the ball with just two fingers, his index, and middle fingers, in the middle of the ball. His other fingers are spread out naturally. This helps him control the ball really precisely and put the right amount of spin on it.
  • Release: When he shoots, he lets go of the ball really quickly, and it goes up high in the air with a snap of his wrist. This makes the ball have a soft touch and a nice, clean path to the basket, which makes it easier to score, even from far away.
  • Follow-through: After he shoots, his arm keeps going up, and his fingers point toward the hoop. This helps him keep his shooting form consistent, even when he’s moving or there’s pressure from the defense.
  • Footwork: Curry is also known for his quick feet and how he can make space for his shots. He does a bunch of quick moves like cuts, turns, and step-backs to get open and find good chances to score.

Overall, Steph Curry’s shooting style is amazing because he’s worked really hard on it. He’s practiced a ton, and that’s why he can shoot accurately from almost anywhere on the court. It’s why he’s such a big deal in the basketball world.

Comparison to Other Player’s Shooting Techniques

Steph Curry has a special shooting style, but he’s also been influenced by other great shooters in NBA history. Here are some differences between his technique and theirs:

  • Ray Allen: Ray Allen is one of the best shooters ever, and his way of shooting involves holding the ball with a tighter grip and releasing it smoothly. While Curry relies on speed and accuracy, Allen’s style is more about finesse and being consistent.
  • Reggie Miller: Reggie Miller is another famous shooter, known for his quick release, especially when he used the curl screen move to get open. Curry also uses quick footwork, but he tends to shoot more from beyond the three-point line.
  • Larry Bird: Larry Bird was a fantastic shooter too. His technique had a high release point, and his follow-through was careful and deliberate. In contrast, Curry’s shooting style is more fluid and dynamic, less mechanical.

All these players have their own unique ways of shooting, which show their personality, skills, and how they approach the game. While Curry might be the greatest shooter in NBA history, he’s learned from and been inspired by those who played before him. This shows that basketball keeps changing and evolving.

Impact on The Game

Steph Curry’s shooting skills have made a big impact on basketball. He’s changed the way the game is played and set a new standard for shooting.

His amazing ability to shoot from far away and be accurate makes him one of the most dangerous players in basketball history when it comes to scoring.

Because of his shooting, other teams have had to change their plans and come up with new ways to stop him. They make special strategies just to try to slow him down.

Curry’s influence can be seen in how teams now think shooting is really important. Being able to make shots from way behind the three-point line is a big part of modern basketball.

His success has shown that a team’s offense can be based on three-point shooting, and that’s made teams change how they play the game.

Changes in Strategies and Game Plans Due to his Shooting Abilities

Steph Curry’s shooting skills have made other teams change how they play against him. Now, they have to figure out how to stop a player who can score from anywhere on the court.

Some teams try to double-team him or play tough defense to make him make mistakes or take less good shots.

Curry’s impact can also be seen in how teams plan their offense. A lot of teams now think shooting three-pointers is really important, and they make plays to get their shooters open for those shots.

Also, because of Curry, there are now young players who want to shoot like him. They work on their long-range shooting skills from a young age because they see how important it is.

Steph Curry’s shooting has had a huge effect on basketball. His accuracy and the way he shoots have set a new standard, and he’s made other teams change how they play. He’s also made teams think more about shooting three-pointers, and he’s inspired a new generation of players who want to shoot like him.

Curry has really changed the game, and his impact will be around for a long time.

Is Michael Jordan A Better Shooter Than Steph Curry?

Jordan was a really good shooter with a career average of 49.7% from the field and 32.7% from three. He was famous for his mid-range jump shots, fadeaways, and dunks.

  • The Shooting Skills of Steph Curry

On the other hand, Curry is an amazing shooter with a career average of 47.5% from the field and 43.5% from three. He’s known for his incredible range, quick shooting, and accuracy.

  • Comparing Their Shooting Statistics

When we look at their shooting numbers, Curry has a higher percentage for three-point shots, and he’s made more three-pointers in his career than Jordan. But Jordan has a higher percentage for all his shots combined.

  • The Importance of Context

We have to remember that Jordan played at a different time when people didn’t focus as much on three-pointers. Curry has had the advantage of playing in a time when there are more fast-paced games and more three-pointers.

  • Overall, Who is the Better Shooter?

It’s not easy to say who is the better shooter because they played at different times, but both of them are amazing shooters. Jordan was really good at mid-range shots, and Curry is the best long-range shooter in basketball history.

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