Gor Minasyan Net Worth, Diet, Weight, Height, Age, & Family

Gor Minasyan is one of the most popular and successful weightlifters from Armenia. He has made his country proud by winning multiple medals at the Olympics and World Championships over the years.

In this article, we will take a deeper look at Gor’s life, including his family background, diet and training regimen, net worth, and other interesting details.

Gor Minasyan Net Worth, Diet, Weight, Height, Age, & Family

Gor Minasyan Net Worth, Diet, Weight, Height, Age, & Family
Gor Minasyan Net Worth, Diet, Weight, Height, Age, & Family

Whether you’re a fan of weightlifting or just want to learn about this Armenian sports icon, read on to find out more about Gor Minasyan!

Who is Gor Minasyan?

Gor Minasyan was born on October 24th, 1994 in Gyumri, Armenia. He grew up in a small village in the countryside and was very close to nature from a young age.

His parents were both teachers and instilled in him a strong work ethic and the importance of education. Gor attended the local high school and excelled in his studies, particularly in mathematics and science where he was always eager to learn more.

After graduating, Gor went on to study computer science at the Yerevan State University, earning his degree.

In his spare time, he loves to travel, explore new cultures, and take part in adventurous activities. Gor is also passionate about photography and has taken some breathtaking shots over the years.

Gor Minasyan Net Worth 2024

Gor is one of the richest weightlifters from Armenia with an estimated net worth of $5 million (as of January 2024).

The bulk of his net worth comes from prize money earned from his wins at major weightlifting events throughout his decorated career.

He also earns from sponsorship deals and endorsements with major brands. With his continued success in the sport, Gor Minasyan’s net worth is poised to grow even higher in the coming years.

Gor Minasyan Diet for Weightlifting

Gor Minasyan Diet

Gor Minasyan follows a very strict diet plan to match the intense calorie and nutrient needs of his weightlifting training regimen. Here are the key aspects of his diet:

Diet Details
Calorie Intake * 5000-6000 calories per day during intense training periods leading up to competitions* Carefully tailored to his body weight, workout schedule, and weight gain/loss goals
Macronutrients * High protein intake from chicken, fish, eggs, and whey protein – around 1-1.5g per pound of body weight* Complex carbs like oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa for energy* Healthy fats from nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados
Micronutrients * Emphasis on muscle-building vitamins & minerals: zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, and B vitamins* Anti-inflammatory foods: tart cherries, berries, turmeric, etc.
Hydration * Minimum 1 gallon (4 liters) of water consumed daily* Additional electrolyte drinks before, during, and after training
Meal Frequency * Eats 5-6 smaller meals spaced evenly throughout the day* Avoids going lengthy periods without eating* Nutrient timing aligned with a workout schedule
Supplements * Whey protein & amino acid supplements* Creatine, beta-alanine and caffeine supplements* Multivitamins to address any nutritional gaps
  • Gor’s nutrition plan is specifically designed for the intense calorie and protein needs of a 300+ pound weightlifter.
  • He times his carbohydrate and protein intake precisely around his training sessions.
  • Staying very hydrated and stretching nutrient intake over 5-6 meals prevents overeating.
  • Diet adjustments during bulking and cutting cycles for gaining/losing weight.
  • Occasional cheat meals help replenish depleted glycogen stores.
  • Supplement stack enhances performance, strength gains, and muscle growth.

Gor Minasyan Weightlifting Training Regimen

HANG SNATCH 190 kg by Gor Minasyan
byu/TOROKHTIY_Aleksey inweightlifting

Training Component Details
Strength & Power * Olympic lift variations – clean & jerk, snatch * Squats, deadlifts, overhead presses* Strongman events – heavy sled drags, tire flips, log press
Accessory Work * Assistance exercises like pullups, rows, rack pulls * Strongman implements – farmers walk, yoke walk, stones * Core and grip work
Cardiovascular Training * High intensity cardio intervals – rower, ski erg, stationary bike* Conditioning complexes with KB swings, burpees, sled pushes * Hill sprints and Prowler pushes
Recovery * Ice baths and contrast showers * Foam rolling, lacrosse ball release * Massages and cryotherapy sessions
Split * Trains each muscle group 2 times per week* Push, pull, legs split with built-in recovery days
Training Volume * 10+ intense sets per muscle group each session * Sessions last from 60-120 minutes * Trains for 2-3 hours daily, 6 days a week
  • Gor’s programming emphasizes strength endurance and work capacity needed for weightlifting.
  • Cleans, jerks, and squats make up the foundation of his routine.
  • Strongman event training builds total body power and strength.
  • Accessory work targets weaknesses and prevents imbalances or injuries.
  • Hard cardio training boosts endurance to recover between attempts.
  • Hard training loads require optimal recovery techniques.
  • Carefully periodizes and rotates volume and intensity across mesocycles.

Disclaimer: Consult a certified trainer before attempting any training or diet program. Individual needs vary.

Gor Minasyan Height, Weight, Age & Body Stats

Let’s check out Gor Minasyan’s height, weight, age, and other body stats:

  • Height: 5 feet 11 inches or 180 cm
  • Weight: Around 317 lbs or 144 kg
  • Age: 29 years old (as of January 2024)
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black

At 5’11”, Minasyan has just the right frame to perform well in the super heavyweight weight classes in Olympic weightlifting. He has packed on plenty of muscle over the years topping over 300 lbs with his intense diet and strength program.

Gor Minasyan’s Family

Gor Minasyan was born to Mikayel and Siranush Minasyan. His parents were both school teachers and heavily emphasized education. Gor has two younger sisters – Lilit and Rima.

They have all been incredibly supportive of his sporting ambitions from the start. The Minasyan family still resides in Gor’s hometown in Armenia.

When he is not busy with competitions or training, Gor enjoys spending time with his loving family. He says that his family keeps him grounded and provides a welcome break from his hectic schedule as an athlete.

His sisters sometimes accompany Gor to major tournaments around the world to cheer him on.

Gor Minasyan’s Olympic & World Championship Wins

Gor Minasyan has enjoyed tremendous success representing Armenia in weightlifting on the world stage. Here is an overview of his medal wins at major international competitions over the years:

  • Olympic Games
    • Gold – 2020 Tokyo Olympics (Men’s 109 kg)
    • Silver – 2016 Rio Olympics (Men’s 105 kg)
  • World Weightlifting Championships
    • Gold – 2021 (Men’s 109 kg)
    • Gold – 2018 (Men’s 105 kg)
    • Bronze – 2014 & 2017 (Men’s 105 kg)
  • Multiple medals at the European Championships, Mediterranean Games, and Grand Prix events

With his gold medal at the 2020 Olympics, Gor cemented his place among the all-time great weightlifters of Armenia alongside the likes of Tigran Vardan Martirosyan. He set new Olympic records in the snatch, clean & jerk, and total lift categories in 2020.

Minasyan’s accomplishments have made him a hugely popular figure and role model for youth across Armenia. He continues to work just as hard to return to the 2024 Olympics in Paris for a three-peat gold medal.

Sources of Gor Minasyan’s Income/Salary

As an Olympic champion and medalist, Gor earns handsome cash rewards along with free housing and special perks from the Armenian government. He likely has received over $500,000 just from Olympic prize money and government rewards so far.

Additionally, as one of Armenia’s most decorated active athletes, Gor has lucrative endorsement deals with major brands like Nike, Beats by Dre, and local Armenian companies.

Brands recognize the huge marketing appeal he brings as a national icon, likely paying him six figures annually.

Gor’s other income streams include speaking appearances, running weightlifting camps/clinics, and social media monetization.

With multiple revenue flows and prudent financial habits, he has built an impressive $5 million net worth still in his 20s.

Gor Minasyan’s Car Collection

While Gor Minasyan prefers to live a relatively modest lifestyle, he does have a taste for luxury cars.

Some of the cars he has been spotted driving around Armenia include:

  • Mercedes Benz G-Class: Gor’s favorite daily driver SUV costing over $150,000.
  • BMW X5M: A premium luxury SUV perfect for Armenian terrain.
  • Lotus Evora GT: For enjoying Those windy mountain roads and corners in Gor’s free time.

Considering future earnings, his garage will likely expand to include more high-end exotic vehicles fitting the celebrity status he enjoys in Armenia.

Gor Minasyan’s House

The exact location and details of Gor Minasyan’s house are not publicly known. But given his accumulating wealth and champion status, one can reasonably assume he resides in an exclusive, luxury property in the capital city of Yerevan.

It is common for Olympic gold medalists from Armenia to receive free or subsidized homes from the government or benefactors. So Gor may not have even needed to buy property.

Expect premium amenities like a home gym, media room, and backyard pool to live like the champion he is. The interior design incorporates reminders of his various medal wins over the years.

10 Interesting Facts & Trivia About Gor Minasyan

Let’s round up some intriguing tidbits about this Armenian weightlifting great:

  • Gor was originally more interested in soccer and judo growing up before discovering weightlifting.
  • His first coach was the legendary weightlifting master Samvel Ghazaryan.
  • He holds a degree in computer science from Yerevan State University.
  • Gor has won “Best Lifter” awards at European and World Championships.
  • His athletic hero and inspiration is fellow Armenian weightlifter Tigran Vardan Martirosyan.
  • Favorite foods are Armenian dolma, khorovats barbecue, and manti dumplings.
  • Speaks fluent Armenian, Russian, and English.
  • Has come back from several injuries over the years including torn wrist ligaments.
  • Support various charitable initiatives for underprivileged youth and children’s hospitals.
  • Devout member of the Armenian Apostolic Church.


In summary, Gor Minasyan is an Armenian sporting legend who has brought immense pride and glory to his nation through weightlifting. His determination, strict training regimen, and peak physical strength have been integral to multiple international medals.

With a current net worth of around $5 million coupled with popularity few can match, Gor’s legacy as one of Armenia’s greatest athletes is firmly cemented.

Moving forward, fans hope to see him shine at the 2024 Paris Olympics as he continues raising Armenia’s profile on the global stage.

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